Wednesday, July 25, 2012

SUPPLY LIST 2012 - 2013

 3 - 10 packs of #2 pencils (sharpened) (Best Deal in office supply dept. - pack of 10 for $.47)

 1 -  Bottle Elmers school glue (4 oz. bottle)

 1 -  2 piece pack pink pearl erasers

 1 -  Pack 4 X 6 index cards

 2 -  Boxes crayons (24 Count)

 2 -  Packs colored pencils (12 count)

 2 -  Yellow HiLiters

 1 -  12" ruler (1/2", inch and centimeters) wood or clear plastic

12 -  Glue Sticks

 1 - Pair age appropriate scissors

 2 - small packs loose leaf notebook paper (wide rule about 50 pages total)

 4 - Spiral bound notebooks (70 page, wide rule)

 2 - Pocket folders (no prongs, plastic, solid color)

 2 - Pocket folders (with prongs, plastic, solid color)

 2 - Packs of multi colored construction paper (best buy is dollar store)
 2 - Standard 6 color watercolor set
 1 - artists pack of paint brushes (variety of sizes $4.97 at Wal-Mart)

(All of the above are at Target and WalMart now at the back to school sale prices!  The Academy will provide a storage box for each child.  Please label every item you purchase, so we know where to return any leftovers at year end.)

 2 - Large boxes of Kleenex

 1 - Containers Clorox/Lysol Disinfecting wipes
 1 - Large Tub of Baby Wipes

 4 - Rolls of Paper Towels

 1 - can of spray Lysol

 1 - Large men's dress shirt for art smock (best buy is at GoodWill if you don't have an old one at home)

 1 - Roll of toilet tissue

Special projects during the year may require additional items, but this list should cover the day to day needs.

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